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Thanks a lot. Yair From: Jeff Heath [mailto:jheath@xxxxxxxxxx]
I believe it was this for the curves in this slide:
We tested other diodes as well for matching data:
From: Darshan, Yair [mailto:YDarshan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Yair I guess you meat to Annex G1?. Yes we need this data set as well. Please ask in next adhoc meeting for time in the agenda to discuss it and insert it to the adhoc database. It was lab test or datasheet numbers. Do you have the diode datasheets or P/N? Thanks Yair From: Jeff Heath [mailto:jheath@xxxxxxxxxx]
Yair, The diode mismatch parameters I your presentation show a wide variation of threshold (.39V vs .53V) and a zero difference in resistance (0.25 ohms vs 0.25 ohms).
I have included my previous lab data on just six diodes which shows just the opposite: a threshold that is very close (Varying by only 0.30V) and a resistance that is wide (0.28
ohms vs 0.40 ohms). Given that in the short channel case, the threshold offset is the major contributor to offset currents, I think we should change the values for the diode mismatch. Regards,