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[802.3_4PPOE] Use Cases for next Task Force Meeting

Hi Everyone,


As a follow up to Jeff Heath’s presentation, “Use Cases”, I am compiling a list of use cases, and I kindly request for the group to send use cases to the reflector that you believe the task force should consider to meet its objectives.  This list will be presented at the next meeting in Ottawa, where the group can discuss and review the relevance of each use case. 


My plan is to base this list solely on the inputs of the group over the email reflector, and I will not be going through past presentations to generate this list.


The purpose of this email is just to compile a list, not to debate the relevance of any specific use case - we can do that at the next Task Force meeting.


Thank you for your support and inputs.




Faisal Ahmad

VP of Marketing

Akros Silicon