[802.3_4PPOE] FW: IEEE P802.3bw 100BASE-T1 October interim meeting announcement
All, FYI.
Chad Jones
MGR, HW ENG, Cisco Systems
Chair, IEEE P802.3bt 4PPoE Task Force
On 9/18/14, 4:54 AM, "Law, David" <dlaw@xxxxxx> wrote:
>Dear Colleagues,
>This is the announcement of an additional IEEE P802.3bw 100BASE-T1
>interim meeting taking place on Sunday 19th October and Monday 20th
>October, in Warren, MI, USA hosted By General Motors, to continue
>preparing the IEEE P802.3bw draft for Working Group ballot request in
>November. There is no meeting fee, however to assure adequate facilities,
>you are requested to register with IEEE P802.3bw Task Force Chair Thomas
>Hogenmueller by sending an email to <thomas.hogenmueller@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>with 'Reservation October Interim Meeting' in the subject line, and
>supplying your first name, last name, affiliation and e-mail address.
>Further details are provided below, and on the interim meeting web site
>at <http://ieee802.org/3/interims/detroit_1014.html>.
>Best regards,
> David
>Meeting notice
>Date: Sunday, 19th October and Monday, 20th October
>Location: General Motors Tech Center, Warren, MI, USA.
> See
>Host: General Motors.
>Registration fee: None
>Registration: Email registration required (Please see above).
>Travel details: Nearest airport, DTW
>Hotel details: No room block (for local hotels see
>Stated purpose: Continue preparing the IEEE P802.3bw draft for Working
>Group ballot request in November.