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[802.3_4PPOE] June off cycle interim preliminary information

All, I’ve had questions about the June off cycle interim. As I announced in the Plenary closing meeting in Berlin, there are 7 weeks between Pittsburgh and Hawaii. This means we have to spin a draft in one week, give one week for commenting and one week for comment resolution, both out of Pittsburgh and out of the off cycle. This means the off cycle HAS TO happen the week of June 15, 2015. Dave Abramson has volunteered space at TI in Manchester for the meeting. As this is east coast, I assumed it is preferable for the European participants and not too troubling for the west coast folks. I apologize to the people from Asia, there just isn’t a good solution unless we all come there!  

I will be working on finalizing the details and getting them out to the reflector. 

For those looking ahead to the planned October off-cycle interim, that is scheduled for the week of October 12, 2015.

Chad Jones
MGR, HW ENG, Cisco Systems
Chair, IEEE P802.3bt 4PPoE Task Force