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Dear Colleagues:
This is the announcement of the review of the IEEE P802.3bt
4-Pair Power over Ethernet (4PPoE) Task Force draft amendment D1.0. Instructions for accessing the draft and submitting
comments follow this announcement.
IEEE P802.3bt is an amendment to IEEE Std 802.3-2012 which is available through the “Get 802” program at the URL:
The Project Authorization Request for this amendment is posted at:
The Five Criteria Responses for this amendment are posted at:
The Objectives for this amendment are posted at:
REVIEW SCOPE: The scope of the review is the entire IEEE P802.3bt D1.0 Draft with the following caveat: comments will only be accepted if they pertain to achieving the
stated objectives, linked above. There have been specification deficiencies identified in the Task Force process. Since we are editing an existing clause, these items will have to be submitted as maintenance requests before they can be passed to the Task Force
for review.
REVIEW OPEN: Sunday, 31 May 2015 REVIEW CLOSE: Monday, 8 June 2015, 12:00pm PDT
------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO ACCESS THE DRAFT The draft is posted for Task Force review purposes only, and neither the draft nor access information should be copied or redistributed to others in violation
of document copyrights.
Draft 1.0 should be used for commenting and may be downloaded from: URL:
Username and password: distributed at meetings
The document is posted in Adobe "pdf" document format and can be downloaded and printed if desired. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, it is available
for free downloading from Adobe at: URL:
_______________________________________ HOW TO SUBMIT COMMENTS
Acceptable comment types:
E = Editorial ER = Editorial Required (an Editorial comment that the commenter feels very strongly about)
T = Technical
TR = Technical Required (a Technical comment that the commenter feels very strongly about)
For further information regarding comments, please see Also, see ‘Chad’s rules for making comments’:
‘Chad rules for making comments” pasted here and expanded upon:
DO use the comment tool if at all possible. DO NOT make lots of text or email comments. Text and email comments are a manual input process and subject to human error. A way to guarantee accurate commenting is to use comment tool.
2. The subclause field
HAS TO include the clause number. Example: clause: 33 Subclause: 33.1.4. This is for parsing out of comments to associate editors (training for the future, assuming that we get there).
When commenting on an Annex, include annex letter with clause. Example: Commenting on Annex 33C section 1.4: Clause: 33C Subclause: 33C.1.4
When commenting on tables or figures, put clause and subclause where the table or figure is located then start the comment with name of said Table or Figure. This makes comment flow logically during sorting so the comment is handled while the group
is in that section.
DO NOT use tildes '~' in your comments. Causes import tool to err.
6. Rename filename after generating comments, append your name to front of filename to make it distinctive.
DO NOT use periods in your filename other than the one before .csv; this also causes import tool to err.
Chad's general rules to make comments easier to read and resolve:
DO copy the text you are commenting against and paste into the comment. This helps
immensely if you have a typo in the page or line number. It also gives the editor a head start on what text you have a problem with.
NOT pasting in the text means the editor has to guess which text is the problem. Guessing is not an exact science.
DO cover only one topic per comment. File multiple comments for multiple concepts
in the same page/line. This speeds comment resolution.
DO NOT make a comment and leave the suggested remedy empty. If you know it is a problem,
you have an idea of the answer. Share this with the group.
DO make crisp comments; minimize 'stream of consciousness' style of writing. Present
the facts and the solution. Proof read your comment and solution. Act as if your solution is going to be incorporated as text for the Standard.
1. Prepare your comments in one of the following two ways:
a. You are
STRONGLY REQUESTED to use the comment tool in the TF private area at the URL:
Please download and read the Comment Tool Tutorial:
To use the tool, extract all components into a folder and do not move any component from that folder, as this will cause the executable to not work correctly. The tool is:
The comment tool runs under Microsoft Windows. It has also been run in VM environments on other platforms.
b. To submit comments in text (ASCII) form, please use the form below. This will make it possible for the editor to properly record and track all submissions. Make as many copies
of the template as necessary and submit as an ASCII text file or as part of your e-mail.
PLEASE NOTE: The ASCII method involves a
manual transcription, hence you are recommended to check your comments to ensure Please use the comment tool above if possible.
CommentID: (Leave Blank)
CommentType: (E, ER, T, or TR)
--------------------end comment template------------------
2. Send your comments to:
david.abramson@xxxxxx, CC’ing
cmjones@xxxxxxxxx and paste into the subject
IEEE P802.3bt 3bt
4-Pair Power over Ethernet Task Force D1.0 comments
Thank you for your participation in this review and careful review of the draft.
Chad Jones Chair, IEEE P802.3bt 4PPoE Task Force MGR, HW ENG, Cisco Systems |