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Re: [802.3_4PPOE] need opinions

Hi Chad,


I’m resending my earlier private response to the reflector:


This way both weekends around the meetings would be destroyed for me (stolen from my family) due to travel. I cannot be there by Monday morning, because I’m travelling on that day.

Do we really need 4 days?

The best would be for me to start on Tuesday , have PoDL meet on Thursday, and use Friday for problem solving. I could even more accept to work on Saturday (morning).







From: Chad Jones (cmjones) [mailto:cmjones@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 2015. november 12. 22:25
To: STDS-802-3-4PPOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802.3_4PPOE] need opinions


Yeah, I’ve had offline replies and one of them was a concern that it may decrease participation in PoDL. I’m thinking the reason I’m getting replies offline is cause when I hit ‘reply all’ for this email, I get only Dan in the TO line. Those that have responded, can you resend your response  and make sure to copy the reflector? It is my intention to have this conversation via the reflector and get it decided.


I will state that I just booked my flight for Atlanta and I am flying on Sunday and leaving on Saturday. Yes, this means that I give up two days with my family and I dislike that. I can only offer that this won’t be a permanent thing, just something that we try to help maximize the next three meetings as we try to hit D2.0 in July. 


Chad Jones

MGR, HW ENG, Cisco Systems

Chair, IEEE P802.3bt 4PPoE Task Force



From: Dan Dove <dan.dove@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Organization: Dove Networking Solutions
Date: Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 4:05 PM
To: Chad Jones <cmjones@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [802.3_4PPOE] need opinions


One thing that came to mind... this could increase PODL participation (good/bad? depends)

If bt members decide to work offline or take a hike somewhere, it might reduce our attendance.

I won't oppose the decision of the Task Force, just stating an additional concern.

Dan Dove
Chief Consultant
Dove Networking Solutions
530-906-3683 - Mobile

On 11/12/15 1:58 PM, Chad Jones (cmjones) wrote:

All, an interesting idea has been posed to me about how to handle interims to better allow mid meeting work. Here is the idea:


Meet on Monday and Tuesday. Have PoDL meet Wednesday. They overflow into Thursday if needed. We use the remainder of Thursday and all of Friday. This gives us a whole day in the middle of the week for offline consensus building and problem solving for the blocking issues.


The down side is you have to plan to be there from Monday 8am to Friday 5pm. I can live with that as it maximizes our productivity. 


I’m curious to hear the groups thoughts about doing this for Atlanta. We have to make a quick decision as the requests will be due shortly.


Chad Jones

MGR, HW ENG, Cisco Systems

Chair, IEEE P802.3bt 4PPoE Task Force