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[802.3_4PPOE] D2.2 comment files with responses are posted

All, there were 454 comments filed against D2.2. David Abramson has cranked out responses and the files are posted in the comment area. They can be found here:


This is a lot of comments, more than I expected. We only have 3 days of meeting time in Huntington Beach and lots of comments to process. I'm requesting that Task Force participants read the proposed responses before getting to the interim so that we can speed the work in the meeting room.


As you review, it is quite likely you will have some comments where you disagree with the proposed response. In those cases, in the interest of efficiency, I ask that you send an email to Dave Abramson CC’ing me with the comment number(s) of such comments. While you are making this list, you know why you want the comment pulled. I request that you also provide that. This will be incorporated into the comment database and a new PDF will be provided so that people can prepare for the meeting. Many times in past meetings, time is wasted while trying to recall why a comment was pulled. Simply put, this is the main reason I request you provide explanation. Since this process is manual and since I want to get a file posted with time for review, I have set a deadline of Jan 8, 2017 11:59pm AOE for sending this list.


Thank you all for your effort to help make this standard great. Special thanks goes to Lennart Yseboodt and David Abramson for being very efficient this cycle and getting their portions done with surprising speed; allowing more time for review of the draft and of the comments.


Chad Jones

Tech Lead, Cisco Systems

Chair, IEEE P802.3bt 4PPoE Task Force