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Re: [802.3_4PPOE] Rejected posting to STDS-802-3-4PPOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I found this in the reflector:

Fred Schindler

This is the only email address attributed to you in the reflector. 

I tried sending an email to the reflector from an address that is not subscribed. I didn’t get a bounce reply nor did I see the email come through. 

I would suggest that you subscribe those other two addresses to the reflector and set filters for two of the three to send anything from it to the trash (so you don’t get three copies of each email from the reflector). That should allow you to send to the reflector.

If I recall, you don’t get here until tomorrow? I have dinner with Dawson tomorrow, EA meeting Wednesday, and WG meeting Thursday. So it will have to be late one of those evenings. 

Chad Jones
Tech Lead, Cisco Systems
Chair, IEEE P802.3bt 4PPoE Task Force

On 1/9/17, 12:30 PM, "Fred Schindler" <fred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    Hi Chad,
    If you are bored waiting for other to show up, please see what alias are
    allowed in the alias.  I suspect my alias used is one of the following:
    The first two are most likely.  I am pretty sure it use to work.  I would
    like to fix this during the meeting.  I would also like to have a beer with
    you to cover a few other things.  What day works best? (this can be a group
    event too)
    See you soon,
    -----Original Message-----
    From: IEEE LISTSERV Server (16.0) [mailto:LISTSERV@xxxxxxxx] 
    Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2017 8:09 AM
    To: Fred Schindler
    Subject: Rejected posting to STDS-802-3-4PPOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    You are  not authorized  to send  mail to the  STDS-802-3-4PPOE list  from
    your fred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx account. You  might be authorized to post to  the
    list from another account, or perhaps when using another mail program
    configured to use a different email address.  However, LISTSERV has no way
    to  associate this other account  or address  with yours.  If you  need
    assistance  or if  you have  any questions regarding the policy of the
    STDS-802-3-4PPOE list, please contact the list owners at