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Re: [802.3_4PPOE] Edits to reinstate 2.5G 5G 10G in clause 33 aligned with clause 145

Please note – during the course of doing this, I found one needed change that was left out of Clause 145.  It is in (145/33).4.7, and I put in the change for clause 33 in the proposed edits, but, if you want to avoid a comment on the next draft (and 145.4 doesn’t broadly just incorporate 33.4.7 by reference), the same change should be incorporated in 145.4.7.

The change is below:


Change to insert 2.5G, 5G and 10G references:

The differential impedance of the transmit and receive pairs at the PHY’s MDI shall be such that any

reflection shall meet the return loss requirements as specified in for a 10 Mb/s PHY, in

ANSI X3.263:1995 for a 100 Mb/s PHY, and in for a 1000 Mb/s PHY, for a 2.5 Gb/s or 5 Gb/s PHY, and for a 10 Gb/s PHY .


George A. Zimmerman, Ph.D.

President & Principal Consultant

CME Consulting, Inc.

Experts in PHYsical Layer Communications




From: George Zimmerman [mailto:george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 12:02 AM
To: STDS-802-3-4PPOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [802.3_4PPOE] Edits to reinstate 2.5G 5G 10G in clause 33 aligned with clause 145


The edits that added operation on 2.5G 5G and 10GBASE-T were entirely independent of the type of the PSE.  Attached is a detailed listing of the edits, checked from the compare of 802.3bt D2.25 vs. 802.3-2015, a manual check to Clause 145 instances of 2.5G/5G and 10G,  as well as the listing of edits I did to put in 2.5G and 5G in the first place.  Where things differed, I aligned to the latest 802.3bt text.


Interesting fun fact – it is now 12:01AM, making it 3/15/2017 – exactly 1 year to the day since I put together the detailed list of edits that put in 2.5G and 5G….  I seem to recall that was a late night exercise too.



George A. Zimmerman, Ph.D.

President & Principal Consultant

CME Consulting, Inc.

Experts in PHYsical Layer Communications

