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[802.3_4PPOE] D3.2 comment files with responses posted

All, the comment editor has responded to all the comments submitted against D3.2. The files are posted in the comment area of our website. Please note that the comment total has raised to 146 because five late comments were submitted since the ballot closed. These are marked LATE COMMENT and the room will have to vote to consider these comments.


As has become customary in our process, we will assume the proposed responses are the final responses for the comments. The files are posted for your review, and attachments that were filed with the comments are posted on the January meeting site. As you review, it is quite likely you will have some comments where you disagree with the proposed response. In those cases, in the interest of efficiency, I ask that you send an email to Dave Abramson, CC’ing me, with the comment number(s) of such comments. While you are making this list, you know why you want the comment pulled. I request that you also provide that. This will be incorporated into the comment database and a new PDF will be provided so that people can prepare for the meeting. Many times in past meetings, time is wasted while trying to recall why a comment was pulled. Simply put, this is the main reason I request you provide explanation. Since this process is manual and since I want to get a file posted with time for review, WE have set a deadline of January 11, 2018 11:59pm AOE for sending this list (recall, we discussed this in Orlando and agreed to this date). Since the comment total was low and the comment editor was very efficient, you have ten extra days over the schedule we agreed to in Orlando.


I would like to take this chance to wish all of you happy holidays and I look forward to wrapping this standard up next year.


See you in Geneva,



Chad Jones

Tech Lead, Cisco Systems

Chair, IEEE P802.3bt 4PPoE Task Force

Principal, NFPA 70 CMP3