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[802.3_4PPOE] Backfeed - presentation and baseline

Hi folks,

(previous attemt seems to have been swallowed by the reflector)

I've updated the slides to explain some of the associated topics that go with backfeed.
Ken - your 2nd proposal is extremely close to very similar text I had prepared earlier - we must be on the right track :)

Attached slides + baseline.

Yair has asked the group to perform the due dilligence on 3P backfeed.
Given how late in the process we have discovered this issue, that seems like sound advice. 
Let's keep digging and make sure we get it right!

Based on my current understanding, there are serious negative consequences associated with imposing a 2.8V requirement on PDs in 3-pair condition. 
As such, I would propose to restrict the backfeed spec to 2P only, while we continue to check for potential issues.

Kind regards,


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Attachment: yseboodt_01_0518_backfeed.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: yseboodt_01_0518_backfeed_baseline.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document