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Re: [802.3_4PPOE] Transients for <=30uS - missing requirements for PSEs - UPDATE

Hi David,

I agree for what you are saying and this is my point that the PSE spec is not saying what we should do.

So, what we should do? To require PSE to maintain voltage of at least 34V+CABLE DORP? If Yes, why we are not saying it explicitly?



From: Stover, David [mailto:David.Stover@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018 6:50 PM
To: Yair Darshan <YDarshan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; STDS-802-3-4PPOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [802.3_4PPOE] Transients for <=30uS - missing requirements for PSEs - UPDATE



Hey All,


I agree with everything Pete says regarding Clause 33. There is one important distinction in Clause 145 worth mentioning.


In Clause 145, for voltage transients shorter than 30us, the PD is required to tolerate input voltage no lower than 34 V. The exact text is, “The PD shall continue to operate without interruption in the presence of transients...lasting less than 30 µs and causing the voltage at the PD PI to fall to not less than 34 V.”


I believe the PSE requirement for interoperability during these voltage transients is 34V at PD PI plus voltage drop across worst-case link section. We don’t describe this in the PSE transient section but the PD requirement is clear.





From: Yair Darshan [mailto:YDarshan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018 8:00 AM
To: STDS-802-3-4PPOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802.3_4PPOE] Transients for <=30uS - missing requirements for PSEs - UPDATE


Updating my response after combining what we have in Clause 33 and more.


Hi Dylan,


I believe you missing my point.

I dont care right now for the sake of discussion, what we have in clause 33.

In clause 33, there is no mention of what we have below 30usec i.e. no requirements. Therefore that is no questions…

I care about what I read in clause 145 which now we can fix if we have problem and I believe we do. As it is, it is confusing.


In clause 145 we have:

“ Voltage transients

A PSE shall maintain an output voltage no less than VTran-2P for transient conditions lasting more than 30 μs and less than 250 μs, and meet the requirements of


[The problem is with the marked text]

Transients less than 30 μs in duration may cause the voltage at the PI to fall below VTran-2P. [This is clearly informative. It starts at a new paragraph and it looks like it is hanging there i.e. it is expected to continue with instructions what to do especially after “see for PD transient requirements” that specify what we should do below 30usec] See for PD transient requirements.


Transients lasting more than 250 μs shall meet the VPort_PSE-2P specification.”


To fix it, it requires simple editing change:

Option A:

Append the marked text to the first paragraph resulting with:


“ Voltage transients

A PSE shall maintain an output voltage no less than VTran-2P for transient conditions lasting more than 30 μs and less than 250 μs, and meet the requirements of Transients less than 30 μs in duration may cause the voltage at the PI to fall below VTran-2P. See for PD transient requirements.


Transients lasting more than 250 μs shall meet the VPort_PSE-2P specification.”


Option B:

Delete the marked text. If we don’t have requirements below 30usec, this text is informative and redundant. PSE can do what he wants in this case anyway.


Option C:

Convert the marked text to a note.




From: Dylan Walker (dylanwal) [mailto:dylanwal@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018 3:59 PM
To: Yair Darshan <YDarshan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; STDS-802-3-4PPOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [802.3_4PPOE] Transients for <=30uS - missing requirements for PSEs - Update



Hi Yair,


You said, “The text in clause 33 may indicate that the PSE has no requirement at below 30usec however it is just indicate and I am looking for clear requirement.”  My stance is that the requirement is very clear in that it applies between 30us and 250us only.


Since you asked, you are attempting to broaden an existing requirement at D3.5, and with no problem to solve.  As Pete pointed out, this requirement dates back to Clause 33, and I’m not aware of a single interoperability issue that can be attributed to it.  Therefore, I fundamentally disagree with your position that there is anything here that needs to be addressed.




From: Yair Darshan [mailto:YDarshan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2018 7:18 AM
To: Dylan Walker (dylanwal) <dylanwal@xxxxxxxxx>; STDS-802-3-4PPOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [802.3_4PPOE] Transients for <=30uS - missing requirements for PSEs - Update


Can you explain to me the requirement?



From: Dylan Walker (dylanwal) [mailto:dylanwal@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2018 1:45 AM
To: Yair Darshan <YDarshan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; STDS-802-3-4PPOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [802.3_4PPOE] Transients for <=30uS - missing requirements for PSEs - Update



Hi Yair,


I believe the requirement is clear as is, so I would rather not change it.





From: Yair Darshan [mailto:YDarshan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2018 7:27 AM
To: STDS-802-3-4PPOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802.3_4PPOE] Transients for <=30uS - missing requirements for PSEs - Update


Hi Peter,

See below.




From: Peter Johnson [mailto:peter_johnson@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 5:27 PM
To: Yair Darshan <YDarshan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; STDS-802-3-4PPOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [802.3_4PPOE] Transients for <=30uS - missing requirements for PSEs - Update





Going back to clause 33, I would ask isn’t the very point of this language to indicate that there is no output voltage requirement on the PSE during a transient condition less than 30 usec ?  

Yair; The text in clause 33 may indicate that the PSE has no requirement at below 30usec however it is just indicate and I am looking for clear requirement. I am OK that the text in 802.3bt will say that below 30usec PSE may turn OFF etc. i.e. I am looking for clear instruction and not leave it to the implementer to guess what the spec says.

The PSE could output 0V and be compliant.   The PD must tolerate that voltage transient given minimum required PD supply capacitance.

Yair: If I do the calculations, not always PD can keep the voltage for transients <30usec with the minimum PD input capacitor.


Bottom line: PSE can do many thisgs. We need just to say what it is. As I read the spec in the PSE section now, I see that everything is defined above 30usec but in <30usec range the spec just says that the voltage can go below Vtran-2P but it doesn’t say what to do with this info.








Peter Johnson

Sifos Technologies

1 Tech Drive

Andover, MA 01810


From: Yair Darshan [mailto:YDarshan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2018 5:52 AM
To: STDS-802-3-4PPOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [802.3_4PPOE] Transients for <=30uS - missing requirements for PSEs - Update


Update: I was asked what problem I am trying to solve. See marked RED text.

See below.



Hi all,

I am considering the following comment (page 176 line 24):


Transients less than 30 μs in duration may cause the voltage at the PI to fall below VTran-2P. See for PD transient requirements

For transients <=30usec, the PSE has no mandatory requirements or other i.e. what are the requirements from the PSE for a transient below 30usec. The PD requirements for transients below 30usec are clear. The PD must continue to operate down to 34V.

See below analysis after the proposed remedy section.


Proposed Remedy:

Option 1 (Vtran-2P from 0 to 250usec):

Make the following changes:


“A PSE shall maintain an output voltage no less than VTran-2P for transient conditions lasting more than 30 μs and less than 250 μs, and meet the requirements of


Transients less than 30 μs in duration may cause the voltage at the PI to fall below VTran-2P. See for PD transient requirements.

…….. “


Option 2 (Different values for Vtran-2P @ <30usec and from 30usec to 250usec):

Make the following changes:


“A PSE shall maintain an output voltage no less than VTran-2P for transient conditions lasting more than 30 μs and less than 250 μs, and meet the requirements of


Transients less than 30 μs in duration may cause the voltage at the PI to fall below VTran-2P. See for PD transient requirements.

A PSE shall maintain an output voltage no less than VTran-2P_low for transient conditions lasting less than 30 μs and meet the requirements of




(2) Change Item 3 in Table 145-16 as follows:







PSE Type

Additional Information






Output voltage during transient





















Note 1: These value is quick estimation. If the group agrees to the remedy, I will RUN a simulation to find the exact PSE voltage at these conditions (34V at the PD for <30usec). This note will be remove after finalizing the remedy.

Option 2

Any other simpler remedy or clarification?


Analysis: Voltage transients

A PSE shall maintain an output voltage no less than VTran-2P for transient conditions lasting more than 30 μs and less than 250 μs, and meet the requirements of


Transients less than 30 μs in duration may cause the voltage at the PI to fall below VTran-2P. See for PD transient requirements.

[Yair: the missing info is what is the requirements for PSE for transients less than 30usec]

Transients lasting more than 250 μs shall meet the VPort_PSE-2P specification.

…………….. PD behavior during transients at the PSE PI

A PD shall continue to operate without interruption in the presence of transients:

lasting longer than 30 μs and less than 250 μs at the PSE PI as defined in, and causing the voltage at the PD PI to fall to no less than VTran_PD-2P, as defined in Table 145–29;

— lasting less than 30 μs and causing the voltage at the PD PI to fall to not less than 34 V.

[Yair: here the spec is clear. The PD must continue to operate down to 34V with transients <30usec.

If the voltage drops to 34V, it is 2V less than the 36V transient limit in Table 145-29. This may result with increased voltage drop on the PSE PI by at least 2V.]

During a transient the input power of the PD may exceed PPeak_PD or PPeak_PD-2P. Table 145–30 defines three PSE output voltage transients.



Darshan Yair

Chief R&D Engineer

Analog Mixed Signal Group

Microsemi Corporation


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