Summary of P802.3dj track plans given during the opening presentation:
Logical Track (room Zia 1)
- Will meet Tues and Wednesday until work completed, , starting @ 8am
- Some coordination with Electrical and Optical Tracks will happen as follows:
- Coherent related comments (Cl 184 & 186) will be addressed on Tues AM1 slot
- The Electrical Track Editor will join the Logic Track to start Wed AM1 to be present for some specific comments he submitted.
- The Logic track will combine with the Optical Track to finish out the remaining comments that are relevant to both. This is targeted
for Wed AM2 slot.
Electrical Track (room Dreamcatcher 3)
- Will meet Tues and Wednesday all day, , starting @ 8am
Optical Track (room Dreamcatcher 1 & 2)
- Will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday until work completed
- Tuesday AM1 slot will start @ 9am and will begin with IMDD related comments (to allow attendees who want to attend coherent comments
in Logic Track)
- The track will be joint with Logic on Wed AM2 slot
- If the Optical track is able to finish its work early we may be able to allow the electrical track to move into the Optical Track
Please note the comment agenda is
posted which provides a rough estimate of the order of work in each track for your information but is not a committed schedule. Also note that the tracks have a hard stop on the
Wednesday due to the social but may elect to work late on Tuesday if necessary.
Any updates will be sent to the track reflectors
Mark, Gary, Kent
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