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[802.3_B400G] [802.3dj] Task Force Review (D1.4) - Proposed Responses & Bucket1 Posted

Dear Colleagues,
The P802.3dj Task Force Chair delegated to me the announcement of the proposed response reports and “bucket 1”. 
Proposed responses to comments submitted during the fifth Task Force review of IEEE P802.3dj D1.4 were posted (see:  Please note that there are three files:
Note to all commenters and participants –
In the interest of devoting as much meeting time as possible to perceived issues, the editorial team was encouraged to make liberal use of “Bucket 1” for comments.  
During the P802.3dj Task Force electronic meeting session, a motion is anticipated on Tuesday, 11 March 2025 to accept the proposed responses to comments in “Bucket 1.”  Please note any comments withdrawn from “Bucket 1” will be excluded explicitly in this motion. 
Additionally, the editorial team may continue to refine the proposed responses to comments that are not contained in bucket1 and may provide updated proposed response comment reports.  These updates, if made, will be announced via the email reflector. 
My thanks to all individuals for their review of the document, and Matt Brown and our editorial team for their diligent efforts in responding.

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