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[802.3_B400G] [802.3dj] Tuesday plan - as of 12:17am EDT, 11 March 2025



The Tuesday plan remains the same as outlined below.  However, more discussion among the TF leadership is needed in the morning.  Any schedule changes will be announced over the main TF email reflector.








From: Kent Lusted <00003dd2e253c6a1-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2025 2:10 PM
To: STDS-802-3-B400G@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [802.3_B400G] [802.3dj] Tuesday plan - as of 2:03pm EDT, 10 March 2025




As announced during the opening business of 3dj this afternoon, the current plan for Tuesday (11 March) is as follows:


Tuesday, 11 March:

AM1:  joint TF meeting – Common track topics per the comment agenda

AM2:  joint TF meeting – Common track topics per the comment agenda

PM1:  optical track meets.  No electrical track and no logic track

PM2:  optical track meets.  Logic track meets.  No electrical track. 


The final decision on the PM1 and PM2 tracks will be made later today after the bucket1 deadline passes and the leadership can revise the schedule based on the bucket1 pulls.  Any schedule changes will be announced over the main TF email reflector.


With regards,



IEEE P802.3dj Task Force, Recording Secretary


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