This email serves to announce a contingent IEEE P802.3dj joint electrical, optics and logic track ad hoc meetings. We are announcing this meeting now but it will be contingent on whether there are any issues needing discussion ahead of the May 2025 Interim
Meeting date, time and deadlines:
Meeting |
Agenda request deadline (5pm PT) |
Contribution submission deadline (5pm PT) |
Thurs 24 April 2025, 7am to 10am PT |
Fri 18 April 2025 |
Tues 22 April 2025 |
Coming out of the March meeting, we will shortly have the D1.5 TF review open and had some great consensus building contributions and discussions during the meeting. We would therefore expect the ad hocs would be useful forums to discuss and reviews gaps
and build consensus towards possible changes to consider during Working Group ballot.
The goal will be to enable contributors to provide supporting contributions to submitted comments ahead of comment resolution. With this being an ad hoc meeting, no decisions can be made but informative straw polls are possible.
If anyone, does wish to make a short presentation in line with above please make a request by the dates noted above. Please email myself, and Gary Nicholl (and John D'Ambrosia, please) the following information:
- Name of presenter
- Affiliation of presenter
- Title of presentation
- Length of time requested (this should include time for questions and answers – presentation time, excluding Q&A, will be at the discretion of the chair, and should be assumed to be limited to 30 min)
- Brief description of topic
The presenter shall e-mail a PDF, soft-copy version of the presentation to me, Mark and Gary (and John D'Ambrosia, please) in advance of the meeting per above dates.
Please adhere to the Presentation Style Guidelines. Also, to support the web site search tool used by the IEEE P802.3 web site the 'Document Information' fields of the PDF file must be completed as follows:
- Title: Title of presentation
- Author: Name(s) of author(s)
- Subject: IEEE P802.3dj Task Force
I want to remind all teleconference meeting participants to review the following documents prior to participation in an IEEE 802.3 meeting teleconference:
- IEEE SA patent policy
- IEEE SA Copyright Policy
- IEEE SA Participation Policy
Kent Lusted
IEEE P802.3dj electrical track leader
Mark Nowell
IEEE P802.3dj optics track leader
Gary Nicholl
IEEE P802.3dj logic track leader