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Re: [802.3_EXTND_EPON] PAR and 5 Critters

Dear colleagues,


Here is the material from Ed on Market criterion that we are going to look at later today




From: Marek Hajduczenia [mailto:marek.hajduczenia@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 10 November 2011 12:00
To: stds-802-3-EXTND-EPON@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: PAR and 5 Critters


Dear colleagues,


Attached please find the document for discussion today in the morning.


We have not yet looked at the PAR document, but I think it should be a straightforward task, perhaps with some word-smithing to address any concerns about the language in which the scope, goal etc. for the future project is written.


The document with 5 Critters contains Distinct Identity, Technical Feasibility and Compatibility criteria. The Technical Feasibility criterion contains some extra text which was added under Action Item Alan and I took yesterday – it is marked in red and subject to discussion and approval of the SG today. We will also, I hope, see the updated version of the Market criterion from Ed and go through the economic feasibility from David Piehler (if absent, I will run the material on his behalf).


The goal for today is to complete work on these documents and prepare them for presentation at the closing plenary in the afternoon with the appropriate motions from SG to seek their approval at the 802.3WG and EC levels and then seek creation of a Task Force.


Also, just a reminder. Today we start at 8:30 am in the Courtland room, as discussed yesterday.




Marek Hajduczenia

Attachment: ExEPON_1111_5Crit_Market rev 1.8.pptx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation