[802.3_GEPOF] 802.3 ballots
A number of WG recirculation ballots have recently been announced on the 802.3 reflector, so it is timely for me to remind you that maintaining WG voting membership is dependent on participation in WG ballots.
Ballot and other information is available at (http://www.ieee802.org/3/ballots/index.html). If you are an 802.3 voting member (http://www.ieee802.org/3/minutes/mar16/0316_voters.pdf), it is possible that you will lose your membership and voting rights before the January WG meeting based on completion of WG ballot on projects.
If you didn’t vote on the initial ballot for other 802.3 projects, you can still vote on a recirculation ballot for the projects where WG balloting is still underway. Please do not ignore this obligation to vote on 802.3 WG ballots and lose your voting rights.