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Re: [802.3_ISAAC] Some considerations for link length

Hi Kirsten,


Thanks for sharing this. We should all look at this when we try to move the cable reach discussion forward. Kamal also made a good point about other solutions supporting 15m, so it might be perceived as step backwards to have “only” 11m.




From: Kirsten Matheus <Kirsten.Matheus@xxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 8:12 AM
To: STDS-802-3-ISAAC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [EXT] [802.3_ISAAC] Some considerations for link length


External Email

Hi everyone,


Next to the presentation from Natalie that was cited in the presentaton from Ragnar today, I would like to point the group to some very early investigations that were shared during the 1000BASE-T1 effort and that address exactly the camera 15m scenario (and 40m for trucks) in more detail.


However, before anyone tears my head of for sending this, I understand that cy came to a different conclusion and I plan to work on the differences and a possible resolution in more detail, latest with a presentation in Honolulu.


Kind regards, Kirsten







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