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[802.3_ISAAC] supporters for PAR scope to support 15 Gbps video data rates

All – in preparation for our meeting, I made a change to the posted presentation to make the ‘alternative PAR wording’ which spoke to video data rates, the proposed PAR scope wording.  Referencing the application directly makes It clear what we are trying to accommodate, and removes specific jargon from the PAR scope.  This is important to the audience of the PAR, who may not be as familiar with various 802.3 terms such as the MAC/PLS service interface.  I have likewise gathered a number of supporters.  If you are interested in being listed as a supporter of either the whole presentation or of just the proposal, please let me know ASAP so that I can add you and send the updated file to Jon.

Thank you to those who have contributed, and those who have supported.


George Zimmerman, Ph.D.

President & Principal

CME Consulting, Inc.

Experts in Advanced PHYsical Communications




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