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Hi Steve and P802.3cx participants,
I have been reviewing my comments, and don't agree with the proposed resolution to comment #269.
Below is the current text.
aTimeSyncCapabilityTX and aTimeSyncCapabilityRX managed objects, reflecting the status of a series of MDIO capability registers (1.1800, 2.1800, 3.1800, 3.1813, 4.1800, 5.1800, and 6.1800), as defined in and, respectively
Here is my comment and the proposed resolution:
In looking at this text again, it appears that the references apply to aTimeSyncCapabilityTX and aTimeSyncCapabilityRX.
This is not clear with the respectively at the end of the sentence, nowhere near these terms. I would propose that the text be changed as follows to make the relationship clear:
aTimeSyncCapabilityTX and aTimeSyncCapabilityRX managed
objects, as defined in and, respectively, reflecting the status of a series of MDIO capability registers (1.1800, 2.1800, 3.1800, 3.1813, 4.1800,
5.1800, and 6.1800)
Alternatively, it could be changed
to the following to get rid of the term "respectively":
aTimeSyncCapabilityTX, as defined
in, and aTimeSyncCapabilityRX, as defined in, managed objects reflecting
the status of a series of MDIO capability registers (1.1800, 2.1800, 3.1800, 3.1813, 4.1800, 5.1800, and 6.1800)
Natalie Wienckowski
General Motors
From: Steve Gorshe <0000115ee8839ca6-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, January 7, 2022 4:03 PM To: STDS-802-3-ITSA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <STDS-802-3-ITSA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: [802.3_ITSA] IEEE P802.3cx meeting materials posted Dear IEEE P802.3cx ITSA Participants:
The draft agenda and all the meeting documents are now posted. We had 181 comments on D2.1, so please take some time to look through them and the proposed resolutions, especially for any comments you may have submitted. Note that we have a contribution proposing a revision to the P802.3cx Objectives.
Thanks and looking forward to seeing many of you on-line during our meeting next Wednesday.
Best regards,
Steve Gorshe Chair – IEEE P802.3cx ITSA Task Force
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