I wanted to thank Dave Chalupsky for putting together the NGBASE-T web site, and playing a significant role in getting our initial Study Group meeting put together.
Our SG will start at 8:15AM on Monday. If possible, pick up your badges on either Saturday or Sunday to avoid a crunch on Monday, at the Montbrillant entrance. Once you have your badge can enter through the tower or Varembe during the
ITU has these meetings now entered into their online meeting calendar, which will be displayed on the monitors for the days of each meeting, but can also be found on the web at:
You can go to the drop-down menu for the date (European format, so the day of the month is at the beginning) and choose a day (e.g., 22 for Saturday, 23 for Sunday, etc.) and hit <Query> and see the room assignments for that day. (I’ll put in a request to rename
the group on the calendar to NGBASE-T…)
Thanks also to Steve Trowbridge and Dan Dove for providing useful information on badges and schedules.
Bill Woodruff
Acting Chair, Next Generation BASE-T SG
Bill Woodruff
Broadcom Corporation | (O) 408-922-5692 | (M) 408-582-2311