Dear Colleagues,
Due to a conflict with flight schedules, I will be unable to host today’s planned RxCMNR ad hoc.
I will be sending a meeting cancellation notification shortly.
Two brief items for your action:
Please review the attached document that we reviewed in the October 7th ENUCA ad hoc and note the proposed outline for the planned Annex 113A technical tutorial.
As noted below and as discussed in the October 7th meeting, please look for a reflector discussion with an expanded outline and identify those areas where you
would like to contribute.
We will continue the discussion on-line and in next Wednesday’s ENUCA ad hoc call.
Thank you for your flexibility and consideration!
Best regards,
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Cibula, Peter R
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 12:07 PM
To: Cibula, Peter R; STDS-802-3-NGBASET@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Deborde, William; Victor Renteria; Jones, Douglas; Liuyun (Daniel); George Zimmerman; Tremblay, David; Clark Carty (ccarty)
Subject: [802.3_NGBASET] IEEE P802.3bq Receiver Common-Mode Noise Rejection (Rx CMNR) Ad Hoc Meetings - Alternate Thursdays, 9:00AM Pacific X Time
When: Thursday, October 15, 2015 9:00 AM-10:30 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: On-line meeting (on-line logistics in the invitation)
Dear Colleagues and RxCMNR/ENUCA ad hoc participants,
This invitation is for the RxCMNR ad hoc portions of the P802.3bq RxCMNR/P802.3bz ENUCA ad hoc meetings.
As recently discussed, looking ahead German and I believe that our work is twofold:
- Prepare a technical tutorial (a.k.a. “A User’s Guide to Annex 113A,” which may pair with a proposed MultiGBASE-T tutorial discussed in the recent P802.3bq and P802.3bz Task Force meetings)
- Continue to review of Focusing on comments received against Clause and/or Annex 113A, including any changes to Annex 113A for P802.3bz which have been commented to 802.3bq
As a reminder, we will be following the “Alternating Wednesday/Thursday Proposal”, with start times at 9:00AM Pacific time:
Oct. 7: ENUCA (held last week)
Oct. 15: Rx CMR
Oct. 21: ENUCA
Oct. 29: Rx CMR
Nov. 4: ENUCA
As discussed in the October 14th ENUCA ad hoc meeting, look for a tutorial-centric discussion on the 802.3_NGBASET reflector that we can use to continue the discussion.
Best regards,
Pete Cibula
P802.3bq RxCMNR ad hoc Chair
Join by phone
+1(916)356-2663 (or your local bridge access #) Choose bridge 5. (Global) English (United States)
Conference ID: 986040307