Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the IEEE P802.3bq & P802.3bz Annex 113A tutorial thread!
As noted in recent P802.3bq and P802.3bz Task Force and ad hoc meetings, this message thread is intended to facilitate a reflector discussion on the archival Annex 113A tutorial.
To that end, attached please find a “working document” that includes an expanded outline and some sample content for a few of the topic areas.
Please take a moment to review and comment on this expanded outline and, when you come across the “Outline of <topic>” pages (pages with bullet lists in blue text) kindly consider those areas where you would like to contribute.
Note that the “sample content” is just that – some immediate, random thoughts that may or may not fit in, and have been included in the spirit of “start big and pare down.”
We will continue the discussion on-line and in future P80.3bz ENUCA and P802.3bq Rx CMNR ad hoc calls.
Thank you in advance for your time and participation as we create this useful summary for practitioners of our Annex!
Best regards,
Pete Cibula & German Feyh
P802.3bq Rx CMNR & P802.3bz ENUCA ad hoc Chairs