[802.3_RTPGE] Logistics Information for RTPGE SG Interim - ITU Geneva
I hope your travels to Geneva go smoothly and am looking forward to our
sessions this week.
Several important things to know for the RTPGE SG Geneva meeting:
1. Thursday and Friday meetings are in ?Room K?,
located on floor ?1? of the ITU Montbrillant Building.
2. Thursday session starts at 09:00 AM, Friday starts at 09:00 AM
Please be prompt both days. (Ignore the times in the on-line
ITU schedule system.)
3. Due to registration / badge processing, it is HIGHLY recommended
to register and obtain your badge prior to Thursday. ITU registration
opens at 08:30 AM on Thursday. Registration is in the Montbrillant
Building entrance at street address ?2 Rue de Varembé?. (Registration
might open earlier than 08:30AM but we can?t depend on it.)
4. Your badge will allow access from any ITU entrance. (Your badge
will also allow you access to the U.N. campus
across the street for their cafeteria and shop.)
5. Water only in the meeting rooms. No other type of drink or food.
There is no hosted continental breakfast or coffee break.
6. There is a cafeteria in the Montbrillant building which accepts
Swiss currency only (no credit cards). There is also a cafeteria on the 15th
floor of the Tower building.
7. Our goal is to create the final SG versions of PAR, 5 Criteria and
Objectives for approval by the 802.3 WG and the 802 EC at the November
Plenary in San Antonio, TX. If we do not do this, our next opportunity to
request Task Force status is at the March 2013 Plenary.
8. I will be presenting updates to the PAR and 5 Criteria based on new
802 requirements and discussion with David Law, the 802.3 WG Chair.
9. We will have presentations focusing on final objectives. Some of
these are posted on the Website. An additional presentation which was
submitted prior to the deadline is being reworked at the 802.3 WG
leadership's request. This will be posted as soon as it is available.
10. The Chair reserves the right to alter presentation order to
facilitate maximum efficiency.
10. It is possible that we will conclude our work in one day, but this
is not certain.
Steven B. Carlson
Chair, Reduced Twisted Pair Gigabit Ethernet PHY Study Group
Executive Secretary, IEEE 802.3 Working Group
High Speed Design, Inc.
Portland, OR