[802.3_RTPGE] IEEE P802.3bp Work for November
I have spoken to our hard-working ad hoc chairs and have requested that they
develop the remaining channel and EMC baselines within the ad hocs, and
present these proposals via the email reflector prior to the November
meeting. If you have any issues for either channel or EMC, please make them
know in the ad hocs.
By working towards consensus prior to the meeting. we should be able to make
better progress. We need close up these baselines in order to move the
project to the PHY proposal stage.
I would also like to remind you that 802.3 will celebrate the 40th
anniversary of Ethernet on Monday evening in Dallas. We will have the
inventors of Ethernet, Dr. Robert Metcalfe and Dr. David Boggs as special
guests. I hope you can all attend.
I will be sending out the formal Call for Presentations in the next few
I look forward to seeing all of you in Dallas.
Steven B. Carlson
Chair, IEEE P802.3bp Reduced Twisted Pair Gigabit Ethernet PHY Task Force
Executive Secretary, IEEE 802.3 Working Group
High Speed Design, Inc.
Portland, OR