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[802.3_SPEP2P] AW: Contribution for June 20 meeting

Hi Ron,


thanks for sending the presentation. Would it be possible to provide some more information/technical data about the used connectors (as these are from my experience compared to the cable significantly more critical related to crosstalk, than the cable itself).


What for process automation applications would be important to know is, if the used connectors are suitable for the use in hazardous areas, especially, if they are conformant/certified according to IEC 60079-7 for use in hazardous areas Zone 1 (Ex eb) for voltages up to at least 63 V (we have in our applications a safety maximum voltage of 60 V and the 63 V are the next fitting value in the creepage and clearance distance tables of the mentioned standard) and currents up to at least 4 A.


Furthermore information about if a field configuration of these connectors can be done, which minimum/maximum wire size (for the trunk due to larger currents/long segment length up to AWG14 is required) is supported and what the mounting conditions for these connectors in an industrial environment are.


Thanks a lot.






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Pepperl+Fuchs SE, Mannheim
Vorstände/Board members: Dr.-Ing. Gunther Kegel (Vors.), Werner Guthier (stellv. Vors.), Mehmet Hatiboglu, Lutz Liebers, Reiner Müller, Florian Ochs
Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats/Chairwoman of the supervisory board: Monika Müller-Michael
Registergericht/Register Court: AG Mannheim HRB 737016 ∙ UST-ID Nr. DE 143877372

Von: Ronald Tellas [mailto:Ronald.Tellas@xxxxxxxxxx]
Gesendet: Montag, 19. Juni 2023 22:30
An: STDS-802-3-SPEP2P@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: [802.3_SPEP2P] Contribution for June 20 meeting



All – here is my contribution. I will have an updated version tomorrow that will include pictures of the set-up.




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