Be sure to read ALL of this email carefully as the rules around meeting fees are evolving to match the current reality of in-person meetings.
All, the January interim meeting and hotel registration is now open, found here:
Additionally, the meetings website is updated with the link:
Early registration runs now through 21 December. There is also a discount for staying at the meeting hotel for the duration of your conference attendance. After 21 December,
in-person on-site registration cost jumps $200 and remote attendance jumps $235. Standard registration closes on 9 January, after with the late registration fees are in effect. Details are at the link above.
Additional information (TLDR: If you aren’t sure you will attend in-person on-site, register as remote):
If you register in person and then later decide to move to remote YOU OWE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE INITIAL FEE PAID AND THE FEE IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF THE CHANGE.
For example, you early register as in person and pay the $500 fee. On January 11 you decide to move to remote attendance. You will owe $1300-$500 =
$800 in additional registration fees. This is also the case for one who registered in-person on-site but then decided to simply attend remotely (i.e. did not check into the registered hotel reservation). Unfortunately, these rules have to be put
in place as missing the room block is very expensive for the meeting host, and without meeting hosts we cannot have these in-person meetings.
Chad Jones
Principal Engineer, Cisco Systems
Executive Secretary, IEEE 802.3 Working Group
Chair, IEEE P802.3da Task Force
Principal, NFPA 70 CMP3