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Dear Colleagues:
This is the announcement of the review of the IEEE P802.3da 10 Mb/s Single Pair Multidrop Segments Enhancement Task Force draft amendment D0.6. Instructions for accessing the draft and submitting comments follow in this announcement.
The Project Authorization Request for this amendment is posted at:
The Five Criteria Responses for this amendment are posted at:
The Objectives for this amendment are posted at:
REVIEW SCOPE: The scope of the review is the entire document. We are looking for things that are missing or incomplete. The issue may feel too big for just a comment. Presentations are requested in that case. We will be focusing on this during the Nov 17, 2021 meeting. Additionally, baseline text contributions are requested.
REVIEW OPEN: Friday, 29 October 2021 REVIEW CLOSE: Wednesday, 10 November 2021 11:59pm AOE
------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO ACCESS THE DRAFT The draft is posted for Task Force review purposes only, and neither the draft nor access information should be copied or redistributed to others in violation of document copyrights.
Draft 0.6 should be used for commenting and may be downloaded from: URL: Username and password: distributed at meetings
For your convenience, a diff doc has been provided, found here:
The document is posted in Adobe "pdf" document format and can be downloaded and printed if desired. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, it is available for free downloading from Adobe at: URL:
_______________________________________ HOW TO SUBMIT COMMENTS
Acceptable comment types:
E = Editorial
T = Technical
<> Also, see ‘Chad’s rules for making comments’, which are made available to help write good comments and streamline the comment process:
a. Access the comment spreadsheet at the URL (PREFERRED):
b. Access the comment tool at the URL:
To use the tool, extract all components into a folder and do not move any component from that folder as this will cause the executable to not work correctly. The tool is:
c. To submit comments in text (ASCII) form (LEAST PREFERRED), please use the form below. This will make it possible for the editor to properly record and track all submissions. Make as many copies of the template as necessary and submit as an ASCII text file or as part of your e-mail.
PLEASE NOTE: The ASCII method involves a manual transcription; hence you are recommended to check your comments to ensure accurate transcription when the comment file is made available. Please use one of the comment tools above if possible.
CommentID: (Leave Blank) CommenterName: CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: CommenterCellPhone: CommenterCompany: Clause: Subclause: Page: Line: CommentType: (E, ER, T, or TR) Comment: CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: RemedyEnd:
--------------------end comment template------------------
2. Send your comments to: George Zimmerman george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, CC’ing cmjones@xxxxxxxxx and paste into the subject line:
IEEE P802.3da 10Mbps SPMD Task Force D0.6 comments
Be sure to make the filename of your comment file unique by appending your name to the filename.
Thank you for your participation in this review and careful review of the draft.
Chad Jones Technical Leader, Cisco Systems Chair, IEEE P802.3da Task Force Principal, NFPA 70 CMP3 To unsubscribe from the STDS-802-3-SPMD list, click the following link: |