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[802.3_SPMD] First WG ballot recirculation extension

All, as of this morning, I have received comments from exactly two participants, and one of those is on the editorial team. As I don’t want to artificially lock down parts of the document due to lack of review, I am extending the closing date for comments.


New comment closing date: SUNDAY, 23 February 2025 11:59 AOE.


This is the longest I could extend the due date while still giving the editors time to review and propose responses and get those posted in time for TF members to review before the meeting. This ruins the plan to have a meeting the week prior to the plenary meeting to get a jump start on the work. Therefore, I won’t know if we can get all the comments resolved during the one day we have in Atlanta. I will be announcing extra off-cycle interims in a separate email for the week after Atlanta to reserve time to finish the work if needed.




Chad Jones

Principal Engineer, Cisco Systems

Executive Secretary, IEEE 802.3 Working Group

Chair, IEEE P802.3da Task Force

Principal, NFPA 70 CMP3

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