[802.3_YANG] IEEE 802.3 YANG Study Group Ad Hoc teleconferencing information
Dear colleagues,
We will be using the following teleconferencing information for the next IEEE 802.3 YANG Study Group Ad Hoc at 16h00 BST on Friday 22nd May 2016. You will therefore receive a meeting cancelation notice for the old teleconferencing information and a new meeting invitation with this information. Sorry for the extra email traffic.
Best regards,
Host key: 926485
Join WebEx meeting - https://cisco.webex.com/ciscosales/j.php?MTID=m55c61fb83139b42fa3713b6d7570bab1
Meeting number: 205 099 130
Meeting password: ethernet
Join by phone
+1-408-525-6800 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
+1-866-432-9903 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
Access code: 205 099 130
Numeric meeting password: 21027941
Global call-in numbers
Toll-free calling restrictions
Can't join the meeting? Contact support.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that this WebEx service allows audio and other information sent during the session to be recorded, which may be discoverable in a legal matter. You should inform all meeting attendees prior to recording if you intend to record the meeting.