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Re: [802.3_PDCC] PDCC Weekly Ad Hoc

Don’t have agenda, do have a question. Where do we stand on the NFPA CMP issue?


From: Chad Jones (cmjones) <cmjones@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, November 2, 2020 8:00 AM
To: 802d3.mtg@xxxxxxxxx; Bob Voss <Bob.Voss@xxxxxxxxxxx>; PDCC <stds-802-3-PDCC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Tremblay, David <david.tremblay@xxxxxxx>; George Zimmerman <george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Peter Jones (petejone) <petejone@xxxxxxxxx>; Dawson, Frederick C <fred.c.dawson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; j.haasz@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: PDCC Weekly Ad Hoc


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Any agenda for the meeting this week?





Chad Jones

Technical Leader, Cisco Systems

Chair, IEEE P802.3cv Task Force

Chair, IEEE P802.3da Task Force

Principal, NFPA 70 CMP3



From: cmjones@xxxxxxxxx
When: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM November 4, 2020
Subject: PDCC Weekly Ad Hoc
Location: Virtual



This is the recurring weekly invite for the Power Delivery Coordination Committee  (PDCC) Ad Hoc.

The group website can be found here:


Chad Jones, Chair IEEE PDCC Ad Hoc  

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