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[802.3_PDCC] Website updated

All, I have posted the minutes from today’s meeting for your reference and review. We covered a lot of material, please look through the minutes and note the review items we have for next meeting. If you have comments on any of the documents, please send them to me by Tuesday Feb 23 so I can prepare them for group review on Wednesday.


Also, as discussed in the meeting, I have reformatted the private area. We now have a private area landing page with hyperlinks to each document we are tracking/reviewing/writing. Please check that all these new URLs get you to the intended place with the intended docs posted. Send me any errors you find, thanks.





Chad Jones

Technical Leader, Cisco Systems

Chair, IEEE P802.3cv Task Force

Chair, IEEE P802.3da Task Force

Principal, NFPA 70 CMP3


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