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[802.3_PDCC] website update

All, apologies as the information and actions contained in this email should have been performed before the end of year break and I dropped the ball.


First, the minutes for the last meeting on Dec 15 are now posted. Please take a few minutes to review them as I will look to confirm them in tomorrow meeting. I will completely understand if someone objects to confirming tomorrow due to lack of time.


Also, I have posted an agenda file for tomorrow’s meeting.


Lastly, I have posted the mark up version for the 11801 amendment we reviewed on Dec 15. I have made a new private area for 11801 and the document is located there. URL for convenience: Recall this amendment is targeted at single pair ethernet applications.


We have notes in 4 locations, around line numbers 301, 357, 486, and 1019. If you have other locations you’d like to discuss, please come to the meeting tomorrow, preferably ready with a comment for the ad hoc to consider.




Chad Jones

Technical Leader, Cisco Systems

Chair, IEEE P802.3da Task Force

Principal, NFPA 70 CMP3


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