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Re: [802.3_PDCC] website update


I suggest that you...

IEEE seeks to establish a Category A Liaison between the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group and IEC TC 64. IEEE is a legal entity that is not-for-profit and has multi-national membership that is open to any interested party. 

IEEE seeks to establish a Category A Liaison between the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group and IEC TC 64. The IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group (WG) produces standards accepted on a world wide basis.  The 802.3 WG operates under the IEEE-Standards Association within the IEEE. The IEEE is a legal entity that is not-for-profit and has world wide membership that is open to any interested party. 

For discussion, of course, at the upcoming meeting and subject to David's approval.


On Wednesday, January 12, 2022, 08:15:17 AM PST, Chad Jones (cmjones) <00000b60b3f54e8d-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

All, I’ve added a draft Category A liaison request letter to the public area for today’s meeting. We will quickly review this and then decide if I should present to the WG in the WG Interim meeting next Thursday. If you have a few moments, please review it before our meeting today.




Chad Jones

Technical Leader, Cisco Systems

Chair, IEEE P802.3da Task Force

Principal, NFPA 70 CMP3


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