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[802.3_PDCC] website updated

Colleagues, I have updated the public area with minutes for the meeting today, along with the updated mark up if the letter we reviewed today. Please look over the minutes as I have placed links to all the documents that you might need to finish review of the letter. Also, if you find errors or omissions in the minutes, please notify me for correction.


Additionally, I have placed the resolution of the comments we submitted against K.147 in the K.147 private area. We will review those once we’ve completed review of the liaison.


Next meeting is Feb 2, 2022, 1pM ET. We will continue review of and response to the liaison communication from ITU-T SG5.




Chad Jones

Technical Leader, Cisco Systems

Chair, IEEE P802.3da Task Force

Principal, NFPA 70 CMP3


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