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[802.3_PDCC] EPCR website up

All, I have set up the public area for the first EPCR study group meeting. Here is the site URL:


In the public area, there is a folder for September 2024 and in there you will find the draft PAR and CSD documents we generated yesterday.


As announced, I plan to use a future PDCC meeting slot to complete these documents, ensuring they are ready for November for preparation to request to become a Task Force. My ask to you is to think about any need for objectives. As this is a small, focused project, I’m not sure we need any objectives as the PAR scope will basically be the only objective.


As you may have heard in the PDCC closing report in yesterday’s WG meeting, the PDCC will be busy with other items for the next few weeks. I will use this reflector to announce when we plan to work on the EPCR documents with sufficient notice when it becomes clear that the PDCC won’t have significant agenda.




Chad Jones

Principal Engineer, Cisco Systems

Executive Secretary, IEEE 802.3 Working Group

Chair, IEEE P802.3da Task Force

Principal, NFPA 70 CMP3

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