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[802.3_NGECDC] 10 Mbps Single Pair Ethernet Ad Hoc Announcement

Thank you all for quick responses to the doodle poll.  In accordance with the results, looking jointly for the most ‘Yes’’s, the fewest ‘No’s’ and still meeting the announcement criteria, we will be meeting Monday August 22 at 9AM pacific time.  Peter Jones has agreed to chair the ad hoc.  Details for webex will follow shortly.


The focus of the ad hoc is to scope and begin our work to develop a PAR, CSDs, and objectives.  Presentations providing text or supporting any of the CSDs (broad market potential, compatibility, technical feasibility, economic feasibility, distinct identity, and managed objects (coexistence is not applicable because this is not a wireless project)).  Additionally, presentations relating to objectives (and how they tie to the CSDs) would be helpful.


While these are called “Study Groups”, remember, it is not an open ended study – much of the deeper study goes on in Task Force as we select baseline proposals.  Our goal now should be to provide answers where we can,  identify areas which need work and/or consensus building, and ultimately develop consensus definable objectives, CSD and PAR responses.  I would like us to be prepared to adopt the bulk of the objectives in and related CSD responses in September.


Note, as this is an ad hoc, while we build consensus and progress the work, no firm decisions are taken – that is for the group as a whole – so if you have to miss it, you will still have a chance for your voice to be heard.


If you would like to make a presentation, please email myself and Peter Jones, with the title and approximate time needed.  Notice prior to Wednesday (August 17) is requested.  Presentation material by Friday end-of-day would be appreciated so that I have a chance at getting it posted prior to the meeting.


If you have any questions, you may email me directly, through the SG page.




George Zimmerman, Ph.D.

Acting Study Group Chair, 10 Mbps Single Pair Ethernet

President & Principal

CME Consulting, Inc.