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[802.3_NGECDC] Reminder about the NEA Ad hoc

Dear Ad Hoc Participants,


The IEEE 802.3 Working Group Chair established the ad hoc regarding New Ethernet Applications (NEA) in response to the Industry Connections Activity approved 7th December, 2016.


Therefore, the following should be noted -


  1. As an ad hoc, there is no formal approval process within the NEA, except for administrative manners, i.e. agenda and minutes.
  2. White papers (or presentations) documenting the findings of an NEA topic  will be forwarded to 802.3 for consideration.


Individuals who make a call for interest (“CFI”)  will want to work at building consensus.  There are no rules governing where this consensus building may occur, however, the NEA is one forum for consensus building that may be used in conjunction with developing consensus for a CFI.   Regardless of where this consensus building occurs, the individual making the respective CFI is ultimately responsible for the CFI and the associated CFI consensus presentation.




John D’Ambrosia

Chair, IEEE 802.3 New Ethernet Applications (NEA) Ad hoc