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[802.3_NGECDC] Reminder - NEA Ad hoc Meeting - Switching Latency

Title: Reminder - NEA Ad hoc Meeting - Switching Latency


Reminder that there will be an NEA ad hoc call tomorrow on Switching Latency.   The call is from 7 to 8:30 am PT tomorrow morning.

Information regarding the teleconference may be found at

There will be two presentations on tomorrow’s call.

·       Jordon Woods, Analog Devices,  will have a draft CFI consensus deck for review.

·       Li Xu, Huawei, will have a presentation, Consideration on the causes of accumulated latency.”

As a reminder, all ad hoc teleconference participants should review the following documents prior to participation in an ad hoc teleconference: 

·       IEEE Pre-PAR patent policy:

·       IEEE 802 participation policy:


John D’Ambrosia

Chair, IEEE 802.3 NEA Ad hoc

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