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Re: [802.3_NGECDC] Reminder - NEA Ad hoc Call

Hello Peter 

Dispersion management is critical aspect of this project given that you are considering 26.55 GBd signaling.  
Most of 10.7 GBd OTN transmitters had ~1600 ps/nm which can operate over at least 80 km assuming worst case fiber discretion of 20 ps/nm.
The estimated reach at 26.55 GBd assuming 10.7 GBd optics with 1600 ps/nm scaled to 26.55 GBd would only be ~13 km!

Coherent would have been the right solution if the Bitrate.Distacne >= 8000

Several option can be considered to extent 25G/50G reaches to 25 or 40 km with direct detect optics, such as:
- I recall some of the 10G MLSE receiver supported up to ~3500 ps/nm (~28 km @26.55 GBd)
- Several group including Cisco Nuremberg have investigated SSB transmission and achieved heroic 80 km transmission at 100 Gb/s but required complex Voltera compensation
- Use bulk compensation or AWG

Optical SSB transmission can be created with a very precise optical filter to remove one side band but more practical approach is with a dual transmitter driving two phase modulator 
where the negative portion of the spectrum cancelled.

Ali Ghiasi
Ghiasi Quantum LLC

On Aug 19, 2018, at 8:42 PM, Peter Jones (petejone) <00000b5d1d72f221-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

I’m putting together material for this call Tuesday morning.
Ask you may recall, in the last AdHoc I included a links to a set of WDM transceivers pluggables that I could find with a quick google search.
Cisco – 1Gbps and 10Gbps DWDM, 1Gbps and 10Gbps CWDM
Finisar – 1/10Gbps CWDM/DWDM
Other vendors including:
I have information from Cisco folks about what we use WDM transceivers for and I will present this in the meeting. I’d like to hear from other folks about their use cases. Please reply to the alias, or direct to me.
Peter Jones           Cisco Systems           
Dist. Engineer        170 West Tasman Dr.
Enterprise Networks   San Jose, CA, 95134, USA.
Wrk: +1 408 525 6952  Mob: +1 408 315 8024   
Email:                petejone at
From: John DAmbrosia <jdambrosia@xxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2018 1:00 PM
To: STDS-802-3-NGECDC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [802.3_NGECDC] Reminder - NEA Ad hoc Call


Reminder that on Tuesday (8/21) at 7am PT there will be an NEA Ad hoc call.  The topic for the call is Potential additional applications for WDM.”

Information regarding the webex may be found at

All ad hoc teleconference participants should review the following documents prior to participation in an ad hoc teleconference: 

·       IEEE Pre-PAR patent policy:

·       IEEE 802 participation policy:


John D’Ambrosia

Chair, IEEE 802.3 New Ethernet Applications Ad hoc

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