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[802.3_NGECDC] Announcement - IEEE 802.3 May Interim

Title: Announcement - IEEE 802.3 May Interim

Dear Ad hoc Participants,

The IEEE 802.3 NEA Ad hoc will be meeting on May 21 (7pm to 10pm) at the IEEE 802.3 May Interim.  Meeting details, hotel reservations and registration links may be found at the following URL:  Please register and make your hotel reservations as soon as possible.

There are two topics scheduled for this session –

1.      Carlos Pardo - Automotive Optical Multigig

2.      Richard Tse / Steve Gorshe - PTP Timestamping Clarifications

I look forward to seeing everyone in Salt Lake City.


John D’Ambrosia

Chair, IEEE 802.3 New Ethernet Applications Ad hoc

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