[10GBASE-CX4] Invitation to Ballot for P802.3ak
snipped from below:
If you are interested in participating in this electronic ballot, you must
respond by UNSET, 11:59 PM Eastern Time by filling out the web-based
form at
You have until just before midnight Eastern time tonight so hurry.
-----Original Message-----
From: IEEE-SA Balloting Center [mailto:sa-ballot@ieee.org]
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:43 AM
To: bob.grow@ieee.org
Cc: sa-ballot@ieee.org
Subject: sample Invitation to Ballot for P802.3ak
Below, for your approval, is a sample Invitation to Ballot for
Please respond via e-mail to sa-ballot@ieee.org with your review and
approval. (If the Invitation response deadline below is
shown as "UNSET", it will be set before the real invitations are
Invitation to Ballot
***** IMPORTANT *****
We are contacting you because you have indicated an interest in balloting
IEEE documents.
Please make sure that your IEEE-SA membership is current, as of the
closing date of this invitation, or that you have paid the per-ballot fee.
Remember, anyone may ballot IEEE Standards. However, if you are not a member of
the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA), you may participate by either
becoming a member or with the payment of a per-ballot fee. Members of the IEEE
Standards Association may participate in as many ballots as they wish.
If you are an IEEE member, you may check your record by using your Web Account
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If you prefer to pay the per-ballot fee, please contact the IEEE-SA Balloting
Center at sa-ballot@ieee.org
***** BALLOT *****
The Computer Society/Local and Metropolitan Area Networks Committee
invite you to ballot on the following:
Title: P802.3ak: Information technology -- Telecommunications and
information exchange between systems -- Local and
metropolitan area networks -- specific requirements Part 3:
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
(CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications
Amendment: Physical Layer and Management Parameters for 10
Gb/s Operation, Type 10GBASE-CX4
Scope: The scope of this project is to specify additions to and
appropriate modifications of IEEE Std 802.3 as amended by
IEEE Std 802.3ae-2002 (and any other approved amendment or
corrigendum) to add a copper Physical Medium Dependent (PMD)
option for 10 Gb/s operation, building upon the existing
10GBASE-X Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) and 10 Gigabit
Attachment Unit Interface (XAUI) specifications.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to provide a lower-cost
option for interconnection of closely located equipment
(within ~15m of cable), typically within a stack or between
equipment racks within a room.
If you are interested in participating in this electronic ballot, you must
respond by UNSET, 11:59 PM Eastern Time by filling out the web-based
form at
If you are NOT interested in participating, simply delete this e-mail.
No further action is required.
To participate, you must have access to the World Wide Web to
submit a vote, to comment, and to download the draft. The draft
will be posted in Adobe "PDF" document format. You will need a
copy of Adobe's Acrobat Reader (3.0 or higher) to view or print
the draft. If you do not have the program, it is freely available
from Adobe at
If you choose to participate in this electronic ballot you will
be provided the URLs for the document and the ballot form once
the ballot opens. You will typically have 30 days to review the
document and return the ballot with your vote.
The IEEE requires that a minimum of 75% of the balloting group
return their ballots for the ballot to be valid. As such, by
agreeing to participate in this ballot you have an *obligation*
to respond. Failure to return a completed ballot may disqualify
you from participating in future ballots.
This obligation to respond described above does *not* apply to
Recirculation Ballots, which are additional ballots that need to
be voted on again. You only need to respond to a Recirculation
Ballot if you wish to change your initial vote. If you do not
respond to a Recirculation Ballot, your last recorded vote will
be carried forward.
To show our appreciation of your effort, the names of all voters
will be listed in the front matter of the published standard.
Your vote and your contact information will *not* be included.
The paragraph above the balloting group listed will state "The
following members of the balloting group voted on this standard.
Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or
Go to our new Standards Development Online site for more
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offers to its standards development groups to help them get their
standards out to market.
Please email your questions to the IEEE-SA Balloting Center at sa-ballot@ieee.org