Meeting notes for IEEE signaling ad hoc call 5 November 2004.

Chair: Mike Altmann

Secretary: John Stonick

Mike A. opened the meeting and requested a volunteer for secretary.  John Stonick volunteered to act as secretary of meeting.  Presentation material found in:

Mike A. started meeting off by discussion agenda for the meeting which involved dealing with item 2 on page 2 of his slides, definition of aggressors. He also brought up item 3 on slide 2 which deals with sources of impairment that are outside the scope of the channel ad hoc committee: AC coupling caps, package modeling and anything else between TP4 and TP5. He requested input, but none was forthcoming

Mike A. then went on to discuss the fact that we would need to revisit the straw polls of last week since they seemed to be somewhat contradictory

John S. gave his presentation on scaling Xtalk to the Xtalk mask.  Discussion followed both during and after the presentation.

STRAW POLL #1: Should we linearly scale NEXT/FEXT to meet the NEXT/FEXT mask as defined by TF?

Yes - 13

No - 4

Abstain - 4 (silent)

STRAW POLL #2: Should we linearly scale NEXT/FEXT until a given solution breaks (fails to meet the BER requirements) and report the result?

Yes: 9

No: 6

Abstain: 6 (silent)

After the straw polls followed a discussion on NEXT/FEXT


Mike A. then moved on to the discussion of thermal and environmental noise. He suggested as outlined on page 3 of his presentation that the noise from the resistor is 1.3nV/root HZ which yields 90uV in a 5GHz BW. He suggested using a 12db NF for the receiver which results in a noise of 365uV over 5GHz at the receiver.


STRAW POLL #3: Should we use a value of 4*365uV (1.46mV)RMS in a 5GHz band as the random, thermal noise input for our simulations?


Mike A then asked that we make an effort to wrap up all the remaining noise issues via discussion on the reflector. Mike then asked Adam if we could straw poll on reflector.

Adam H. replied straw polls are not binding and are performed to offer guidance and thus it is OK to ballot on the reflector.
Meeting was adjourned 2 minutes early.


Meeting Attendance


First Last
Michael Altmann
Amir Bar-Niv
Joe Caroselli
John D'Ambrosia
Adam Healey
Mike Lerer
Cathy Liu
Richard Mellitz
Charles Moore
Petre Popescu
Shannon Sawyer
Jeffrey Sinsky
Fulvio Spagna
Apoorv Srivastava
John Stonick
George Tang
Vivek Telang
Brian Von Herzen
Chris Wittensoldner