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[BP] Wed August 4th Agenda: 802.3ap Channel Model Adhoc Conference Call

Wed August 4th Agenda:
- VNA averaging, with the higher resolution, do we really need to wait the 15minutes for 16averages?
- SMA De-Embedding for test cards
    **If you have an idea on this, please send it out to the group/refelctor today.  I'm open on this and would like some thoughts.
    **I plan to send the new run of test cards out right after we finalize the de-embedding.
- Changes to SDD21 from 50Mhz to 4.5Ghz.  I want to discuss this and plan to send out the equations tonight with a 4dB drop in this range.
- Group Delay Variation
    **I want to walk through the process for this.  Petre or Jeff ... if you have a slide you could put together to show how we create this, I would appreciate it.

Thurs August 12th Agenda:
- Changes to crosstalk mask

The remaining two meetings will be to discuss the final mask sets to present to the body for approval sept/oct.

Take care

Joel Goergen wrote:
802.3ap Channel Model Adhoc Conference Call times:
August 4, Wed, 10am PDT
August 12, Thurs
, 10am PDT
August 19, Thurs, 10am PDT / we should consider moving this to Sept 20th
Sept 9, Thurs, 10am PDT

Hi Everyone,
Please set these times in your schedules.  Agenda will be sent out Monday


Everyone that wants to is invited to participate.  Anything decided will not be decided, but 'recommended'.  Please keep that in mind.

Conference ID: 4379020

Dial-in number: 8773262337

International dial-in number: 303-928-3232

Take care
Joel Goergen