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[BP] Web site and reflector

Title: Web site and reflector

IEEE P802.3ap Task Force Members,

I have updated the web site for the channel model ad hoc and created a new site for the signaling ad hoc.  Presentations and meeting notes for the signaling ad hoc will be posted and available at:

Those of you who will be presenting at the upcoming signaling ad hoc call (Thursday 9/2) please submit those materials to me Wednesday (by 6PM EDT please) so that I can have them posted in time for the meeting.

Secondly, a few of you have been reporting issues with the reflector (lost messages).  If you suspect that you are not receiving messages from the reflector, you may always check the reflector archive at:

If you believe that you are losing messages, please check your spam filter (or other e-mail filters) to ensure that reflector messages are not miscategorized.  Since the reflector archive behaves like any other subscriber and it is not missing messages, and the error reports are isolated, we have no reason to suspect that there is an issue with the reflector itself at this time.  However, please report any significant problems to me so that they can be investigated.

Finally, the reflector does accept attachments but as a courtesy to subscribers, we prefer to keep said attachments small.  If the attachment size exceeds 100KB, please do not send it to the reflector but rather send it to me for posting to the web site.  Size can be managed by the omission of background graphics and careful selection of the image formats for any figures or graphs.  Remember that a small PPT file can expand to a large PDF based on these factors, so please be wary of this.

Thank you,

Adam Healey
Chair, IEEE P802.3ap Task Force