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[BP] September Interim Meeting Agenda and Requests for Presentation Time

Title: September Interim Meeting Agenda and Requests for Presentation Time

IEEE P802.3ap Task Force Members:

The IEEE P802.3ap Task Force will be meeting Monday through Wednesday of the interim meeting week.  The rough meeting agenda is as follows:

Monday, September 27
8:30a:  Introduction and Opening Remarks
9:00a-noon:  Presentations
noon-1:00p:  Lunch
1:00p-5:30p:  Presentations

Tuesday, September 28
8:30a-noon:  Presentations
noon-1:00p:  Lunch
1:00p-5:30p:  Presentations/Discussion/Motions

Wednesday, September 29
8:30a-noon:  Discussions/Motions

The actual agenda will be subject to the number and duration of presentations submitted for this meeting.  A more detailed (and accurate) agenda will be made available after the "request for presentation time" deadline.

Please note that requests for presentation time must be submitted to me by midnight EST Wednesday, September 22. When submitting your request, please provide at least the following information:

NOTE: please permit time for questions and answers when specifying the length of the presentation. Additional guidelines and instructions may be found on the Procedures for Presenters web page:

Also, please submit your presentation materials to me by midnight EST Wednesday, September 22. This will give me time to create the agenda and post the presentations to the web page by the end of the week. This will allow Task Force members to download and review the presentations prior to or during travel. If you want your presentation to receive all due consideration by the Task Force, it is to your advantage to get your presentation materials to me as soon as possible.  Presentations should follow all of the guideline set forth in the procedure for presenters page (above).

Updates to submitted presentation materials will be accepted no later than midnight EST Friday, September 24. Updates received after the cut-off will be treated as late submissions.  I will post the updates prior to the opening session on Monday morning.

Please respect these deadlines.  Failure to adhere to these deadlines may result in your presentation being deferred to the November meeting.

If you have not already submitted your request for presentation time, please do so as soon as possible. Thanks to those who have already submitted their requests.

Thank you,
Adam Healey

Chair, IEEE P802.3ap Task Force