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[BP] Web site updated, detailed agenda, and presentation reminder

Title: Web site updated, detailed agenda, and presentation reminder

IEEE 802.3ap Task Force Members:

The detailed agenda for next week's meeting is now available at:

Due the volume of presentations received, I was not able to grant everyone their requested presentation time.  Some you volunteered to reduce requested time, and that is appreciated.  In general, 5 minutes was subtracted from presentations exceeding 20 minutes in length.  This should mean 5 fewer minutes of question and answer time, which I feel should be manageable if we limit the Q&A section to technical questions on the presentation material.  We will defer open discussion to the motion madness period on Wednesday morning.  The schedule is now comfortable enough to tolerate the small schedules slips that we always have.

This is also a reminder that the final version of your presentations must be sent to me by midnight EDT today.  The presentation web page will be completed Saturday morning and, as always, the presentations will be distributed on USB drives at the beginning of the meeting.

Thank you,