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[BP] Channel Data Posted

Title: Channel Data Posted

IEEE P802.3ap Task Force Members:

The channel data contributed by John D'Ambrosia has been posted in the Channel Model Library section of the web site:

Thanks to John and Tyco Electronics for making this data available to the Task Force.

As a sidenote, I wanted to strongly encourage open discussion of backplane channel issues on the reflector.  There is limited time between now and the November plenary meeting, but a great deal to accomplish.  Please remember that our objective was to leave the November plenary meeting with complete specification baseline.  We can cannot have a complete baseline without a channel specification or a 10GBASE-KR PMD, and we cannot close on the 10GBASE-KR PMD until we have an usable channel model.

Based on the spirited discussions that took place on during our interim meeting last week, I know many of you have strong opinions on these topics.  Now is the time to clearly articulate your respective positions to the reflector, so that we can work towards finding the middle ground.  Please carefully consider the discussion that has been posted to the reflector to date, and propose your ideas on what we might do to move this effort forward.

Thank you,