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[BP] FW: [BP] web page updated

Forwarded on behalf of Howard Baumer.  I have posted the referenced
Matlab routines to a new "Tool Library" section on the P802.3ap web

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Howard A. Baumer []
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 5:09 PM
To: Healey, Adam B (Adam)
Subject: Re: [BP] web page updated

To all who care about the Channel specifications,

    Here are 2 matlab routines to plot and compare a measured SDD21.  I
have also included a few sample outputs.  The routines are
EoBP_plotSDD21 and EoBPthru.  Read through the files, they are, to a
degree, self documented, try them out and let's get some feedback.  The
values in them are just place holders since they have to have something.

    If you could post this to the Channel site and this pass this email
along without the attachment it would be easier.

Howard Baumer